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Radosny Border Collie Apsel

Border Collie | 7 years old

The gut microbiome, once called the microflora, is a fully specialised ecosystem that supports the body on a multisystem level. This is all thanks to their metabolism, which as an end product gives us, for example, short-chain fatty acids, B vitamins, vitamin K2. It is these metabolites that are the key to health.

In canine and feline dysbiosis, it is very difficult to get a specialised probiotic to help rebuild the specialised microbiome as well, so that it in turn can produce species-specific metabolites. In addition, the poor state of the organ that is the habitat and proliferation site for probiotic bacteria, the gut, can be an impediment. The solution may be postbiotics, which will introduce valuable metabolites in the course of regulating dysbiosis.

DeliGuard is a postbiotic of Bacillus subtilis bacteria, which in numerous studies on dogs as a probiotic supplement, i.e. live strains, gave amazing results in improving faecal quality and reducing its odour, improving protein digestibility, reducing the duration of diarrhoea, positively influencing the quality of the microbiome and biochemical values of the blood.

DeliGuard will be an ideal addition to the diet in states of dysbiosis, IBD, SIBO, enetropathies, but also during periods of increased exercise, convalescence, malnutrition states. For healthy dogs, it will be an element of dietary enrichment that will aid the digestion of dry food or improve the condition of the hair coat. I recommend DeliGuard to everyone.

dr inż. Anna Budny-Walczak

A-Psisko - dietotherapy for dogs and cats, dog therapy

Bulterier | 3 years and 6 months

I have been using DeliGuard with my dog for some time now, we are currently on our third bottle. DeliGuard has really helped us to reduce the build up of tartar, which Trevor has always had a big problem with. The postbiotic along with regular tooth brushing has had great results. On top of this, the coat is shining beautifully! The consistency of the poop has improved considerably, diarrhoea and gas have been kept to a minimum. Trevor's appetite has improved significantly. He takes the drops with his food without any problems and very willingly. In addition, after prolonged use of the drops, I have noticed an improvement in the condition of his skin. Trevor always had severe allergic reactions, itchy patches and pimples during the spring period, which have also been kept to a minimum this year. Blood count and biochemistry results exemplary! :)

The drops themselves are easy to use, a convenient pipette for accurate dosing. This is certainly our not the first and not the last DeliGuard pack! :)


Happy owner
Uśmiechnięty kundelek Nikunio
Roczny kociak Odi

European shorthair cat | 4 years

Lola has been using DeliGuard since April 2024. Previously, despite brushing, using enzyme pastes, tartar continued to build up. Due to general dental problems, Lola had surgery a year ago to remove most of her teeth. Only the canines and lower incisors were left, which were turning increasingly yellow despite prophylaxis. After several months of using DeliGuard, the condition of the teeth has improved. No more tartar can be seen. In addition, the product is very palatable to the cat and she eagerly eats it with meals or drinks it with water. I have also noticed a reduced frequency of scratching. :)


Happy owner

Golden Retriever | 10 years and 3 months

We have been using the drops for about a month after about 2 weeks I noticed the results the more so because my dog had an intestinal problem.Plus of course the improvement in the coat smell from the muzzle. Very easy to administer. Overall I recommend to everyone, the best thing that could happen to my pet. We continue to use and will definitely use. Revelation!


Happy owner
Uśmiechnięty kundelek Nikunio
Roczny kociak Odi

Maltese | 4 years and 6 months

Kiara thank you very much for the sensational product, she has been using it for two weeks and we see a significant improvement in the condition of her coat, her appetite has improved and most importantly her condition after diarrhea recently. We will recommend to other dogs 😀 Regards.


Happy owner

Mixed breed | 6 years old

I have been using DeliGuard for a month and noticed the first changes after the first week. Nikunio is a shelter dog, so his coat was dull and a lot of it was falling out. After just one week his coat was falling out less and his tail had spread beautifully. It has also become soft to the touch and you don't want to stop stroking it :) The bottle is great because it is very convenient to dose the supplement.


Happy owner
Uśmiechnięty kundelek Nikunio
Roczny kociak Odi

Alaskan Malamut | 7 months

We used deliguard for 4 weeks. Shaman's coat became shinier and his digestion improved.


Happy owner

Beagle | 13 years old

In June 2022 my wife and I started giving Daisy DeliGuard in water, we noticed the first results in changing her coat after about 2 weeks. After a month of use, her appetite increased. She is a beagle dog and in her case this was not desirable. After consulting with a nutritionist, we reduced the dosage of DeliGuard, her appetite returned to the state it was before DeliGuard was administered and the effect of a shiny coat persisted.


Happy owner
11 letni Beagle Daisy
Krótkowłosy kot europejski Oreo

European shorthair cat | 8 years old

Oreo started taking DG in July 2023 and after 8-9 days of use I noticed 2 things. Firstly, the cat's coat became smoother and shinier (people who hadn't seen Oreo for a long time noticed the difference straight away). Secondly, he started eating better. After 2 weeks of use, I noticed a slight change in weight. As for the intake of DeliGuard itself, it was not regular. Due to his fussy nature, Oreo had days where he did not drink water from the bowl. There were also times when he drank water with DeliGuard for more than a minute without stopping. In terms of dosage, I had absolutely no problem giving the supplement to my cat.


Happy owner

Mixed breed | 7 years old

I am very satisfied with the effect of the postbiotic. The effects were visible after just a few days of use. My observations: - he started to eat dry food more willingly - the coat became shinier and so velvety, soft to the touch, it does not shed like before, it became fluffy, thick. - The poop has become nicer and no longer smells so bad - the teeth seem to have become brighter (as if less tartar) - she has more energy. I recommend!


Happy owner
7 letni pies mieszaniec Aster
Młodziutki szpic miniaturowy o imieniu Gabi

Small Spitz | 1 year

Before administering DeliGuard we had been to the vet several times, who recommended an elimination diet. Fabi was not given any medication. The diarrhoea had been going on for a very long time - from puppyhood onwards, it was a chronic problem but they did not last all the time, there was a period when they appeared for a while, then disappeared and again the problem recurred even though we did not change the food. (.) I remember that very quickly I notice - I remember noticing an improvement, about 4 days after starting DeliGuard the diarrhoea stopped. When it comes to feeding Fabi receives 2 meals consisting of wet food and 1 meal of dry food. We continue with DeliGuard. I can also mention about the absence of unpleasant odour from the muzzle.


Happy owner

Beagle | 6 years old

DeliGuard product has been fed to Barsa since June 2023. Our Beagle is prone to obesity, which causes her to become weak and her coat to fall out excessively. Despite changing her food to whole prey, the problem persisted. So we decided to give her additional supplementation with DeliGuard. As a result, our Barsa gets more exercise, gets less tired during walks, and her skin and coat are in better condition - her coat loss has decreased, she has become softer and has gained more shine. We would like to thank you together with Barsa called Baśka and recommend the DeliGuard product!


Happy owner
Siedzący Beagle o imieniu Marsa
10 letnia kotka Tosia

European shorthair cat | 10 years old

Our Tośka had very unpleasant breath caused by gum problems. After the inclusion of DeliGuard, her breath improved! What's more, the cat started to drink more often, and her coat became soft and she definitely loses it less in the apartment.


Happy owner

Samoyed | 2 years old

Bambi has been using DeliGuard for about 3 weeks, already after a week the positive effect of the product was visible :)


Happy owner
2 letni uśmiechnięty Samoyed Bambi
Roczny kociak Odi

European shorthair cat | 1 year

The cat has been taking the formula since the beginning of October 2023. The reason for the treatment was a lack of appetite for water. We had been struggling with this problem for a long time. He was getting the formula in the bowl with his wet food. A quantity of two drops for the evening feeding. After a month of time, we have observed with all the household that he looks forward to our coming home, late in the afternoon and looks forward to his meal. Odi is eating more readily. The amount of food intake has also increased. And the dry food is just a supplement to the wet, more substantial food. For a first longer review of the formula - I am, as a cat owner, very satisfied!Translated with (free version)


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Try DeliGuard